5 Proven Employee Recruiting Strategies That Work


We get it- finding a qualified auto body repair technician is nearly impossible. You’re not the only one experiencing this problem. The reason being that you’re using the same recruiting strategy as everyone else!
Yes, you read that right. The secret to successful recruiting is just one single concept—teammate retention. Trying to figure out a strategy to keep your technician after he/she gives their two-week notice is the worst time to figure out a retention plan—more money, more time off, more gravy jobs, more bump work, etc. is too little too late. Offering more is like applying a bandage to a severed limb. It’s a temporary fix at best.
Instead, try focused daily retention strategies that will improve your entire business, including eliminating recruiting worries. Every day, clip salesmen, parts drivers, tool salespeople, tow truck drivers, and paint suppliers visit your shop. What do they all have in common? They all form relationships with your technicians. They hear about the good stuff and they hear the complaints. That’s why your vendors are your number one recruiting source.
Here’s the top three reasons employees quit:
#1 Distrust in management
#2 Poor communication
#3 No foreseeable career advancement
Did you think that money would be number one? It’s not even in the top five!
Here’s five proven retention strategies that work:
#1 Always be authentic: 100% transparency, all the time
#2 Show gratitude: Thank and praise your team every day. Fist bump every teammate on paydays. Show genuine interest in learning about your employee’s families and hobbies.
#3 Promote from within - Create internal training programs with a comprehensible advancement organizational chart
#4 Daily “huddle” (morning meetings) – set goals, discuss hurdles, and highlight accomplishments as a team
#5 Be humble – Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Ask for help, offer help, and never criticize or berate employees in a public setting or in front of other employees
Today is the perfect time to start your new strategy! I’m Marty Ruth, owner of Auto Appraisal Network - Detroit. I successfully managed multi-million dollar collision repair centers for over thirty years in the Detroit area. I help body shop owners, just like you, improve their business through better practices and perceptions, including total loss negotiations and customer retention.

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Do you struggle to find and keep skilled employees? You’re not alone! Stop using the same old strategy and try this instead.