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Pay Now or Potentially Pay Later with Your Ife - Hidden Damages Can Be Catastrophic


Hidden Damages and Deterioration Can Be Catastrophic

#1 Reason: SAFETY.

Too often, classic cars are made to look great but have hidden deadly conditions lurking out of sight. These pictures are of extensive corrosion that dramatically diminishes the strength of the vehicle's unibody. If this car were involved in an accident or severe road conditions, the unibody would collapse leading to bodily injuries. The safety of you and your family is priceless. Isn't it worth paying for a proper pre-purchase inspection as a safeguard to protect you and your loved ones? 


#2 Reason: EXPENSES. These repairs require the engine, transmission, exhaust, front suspension, and cooling system to be removed to access the frame rail for replacement. This repair will cost approximately $10,000. That's a whole lot more than paying for a thorough pre-purchase inspection by a qualified inspector.


With over 30 years of collision and restoration experience, our high skilled appraisers look for any improper repairs, hidden damages, and perform the most detail inspection in the industry. It's all put together in a digital valuation that includes over 200 HD digital images with comments referencing concerns, videos, categorized condition report and a 30-minute Google Meet follow up. Whether you're the buyer or the seller, a report like this one is invaluable! Michigan's best auto inspection company. 

Motor City Auto Appraisers/Auto Appraisal Network – Detroit.



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your local appraiser in Detroit, MI and surrounding areas

Pay Now or Potentially Pay Later with Your Ife - Hidden Damages Can Be Catastrophic