Beauty Is Only Skin Deep, It's What's Inside That Counts
Auto Appraisal Network of Detroit does more than simply appraise vehicles. We professionally and expertly evaluate your vehicle, pull comps, and inspect it with an eagle eye for details that others might miss. We take up 100 pictures from every angle, inside and out.
You won’t just get a number on a piece of paper from Auto Appraisal Network. You’ll get a full color, hard copy, certified report full of details and our observations.
Types Of Appraisals
- Insurance
- Total Loss Claims
- Bankruptcy
- Divorce Settlement
- Estate Planning
- Donations
- Fair Market Value
- Financing
- Pre- and Post- Purchase Inspections
What We Appraise
- Classic and Custom Cars
- Late Model Vehicles
- Motorcycles
- Boats
- Semi-Tractors
- Trailers
- Personal Watercrafts
- Recreational Vehicles
- Collections
- Fleets
What You Get
- A Hard Copy Certified Appraisal Report
- Up to 100 full color images
Accepted by:
- The Legal System
- Financial Institutions
- Insurance Companies
If you're buying or selling a vehicle, ask about a pre-purchase inspection. Don't let distance stop you from procuring your next ride- we have appraisers nationwide who are able to inspect it on your behalf.
For more information, please contact me at 586-217-8606. You can also visit our website at
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When knowing the book value of a vehicle just isn't enough information, you need Auto Appraisal Network.

Besides the normal tell-tale signs, you should consider these useful resources to determine if you can trust a classic car dealer.